- Country::{{rpt.ProjectDetail[0].Country}}
- Financial Closure Year:{{rpt.ProjectDetail[0].FinancialClosureYear}}
- Capacity No:{{rpt.ProjectDetail[0].capacityNo | number:0}}
- Capacity Type:{{rpt.ProjectDetail[0].capacityTypeName}}
Basic Project Information
Project name: {{rpt.ProjectDetail[0].ProjectName}} | Project id: {{rpt.ProjectDetail[0].ProjectId}} |
Country: {{rpt.ProjectDetail[0].Country}} | Location: {{rpt.ProjectDetail[0].Location}} |
Financial Closure Year: {{rpt.ProjectDetail[0].FinancialClosureYear}}{{rpt.ProjectDetail[0].fcIsEstimate}} | Company: {{rpt.ProjectDetail[0].Company}} |
Status: {{rpt.ProjectDetail[0].Projectstatus}} | Update status date: {{rpt.ProjectDetail[0].DateStatusUpdated}} |
Other name(s): {{rpt.ProjectDetail[0].RelatedNames}} | Related project(s): {{rpt.ProjectDetail[0].RelatedProjects}} |
Investment details:
Year | Fees to government | Investment in physical assets | Total investment | Capacity Type: | Planned capacity | Percentage private |
{{history.iYear}} | {{history.FeesToGovt}} | {{history.PhysicalAssets}} | {{history.TotalInvestment}} | {{history.CapacityType}} | {{history.Capacity}} | {{history.PercentPrivate}} |
No data available.
PPI and Sector Information
Primary sector: {{rpt.ProjectDetail[0].PrimarySector}} | Subsector(s): {{rpt.ProjectDetail[0].Subsector}} |
Segment(s): {{rpt.ProjectDetail[0].Segment}} | Technology: {{rpt.ProjectDetail[0].Technology}} |
Type of PPI: {{rpt.ProjectDetail[0].PPIType}} | Subtype of PPI: {{rpt.ProjectDetail[0].PPISubType}} |
Additional Contract Informatio
Contract period (years): {{rpt.ProjectDetail[0].ContractPeriod}} | Contract award method: {{rpt.ProjectDetail[0].AwardMethod}} |
Bid criteria: {{rpt.ProjectDetail[0].BidCriteria}} | Number of bids: {{rpt.ProjectDetail[0].NumberOfBids}} |
Government level granting contract: {{rpt.ProjectDetail[0].GovtLevelGranting}} | |
Public disclosure of the contract: {{rpt.ProjectDetail[0].PublicDisclosure}} | Unsolicited proposal: {{rpt.ProjectDetail[0].UnsolicitedProposal}} |
Description of source:
Main revenue source(s): {{rpt.ProjectDetail[0].MainRevenueSource}} | Other revenue source(s): {{rpt.ProjectDetail[0].OtherRevenueSource}} |
Sponsor Information
Sponsor | Amount of equity | % of ownership | Sponsor Country |
{{item.SponsorName}} | {{item.AmountOfEquity}} | {{item.PercentOwnership}} | {{item.Country}} |
No data available.
Total equity: {{rpt.ProjectDetail[0].TotalEquity}} |
Debt Provider Information
Year | Total debt funding | Debt:equity ratio |
{{item.FundingYear}} | {{item.TotalDebtFunding}} | {{item.DebtEquityGrantRatio}} |
No data available.
Debt provider | Type | Local/International | Amount |
{{item.BankName}} | {{item.ProviderType}} | {{item.ProviderLevel}} | {{item.Amount}} |
No data available.
Governtment Support Information
Type of direct government support: {{rpt.ProjectDetail[0].TypeOfDirectGovtSupport}} | Type of indirect government support: {{rpt.ProjectDetail[0].TypeOfInDirectGovtSupport}} |
Value of direct government support: {{rpt.ProjectDetail[0].TypeOfDirectGovtSupportValue}} | Value of indirect government support: {{rpt.ProjectDetail[0].TypeOfInDirectGovtSupportValue}} |
Multilateral Support
Year | Agency | Support type | Support amount* |
{{item.iYear}} | {{item.Agency}} | {{item.AgencyType}} | {{item.Amount | number:0}} |
No data available.
Bilateral Support
Year | Name of bilateral | Subtype of PPI: | Amount |
{{item.iYear}} | {{item.Agency}} | {{item.AgencyType}} | {{item.Amount | number:0}} |
No data available.